Offsite Repair Programs

A pallet repair program often paired with a total pallet management program, takes your pallets to the supplier for repair before being returned.

Pallet repair and return makes it more convenient for facilities to have a steady supply of newly repaired pallets without having to manage the sort and repair process themselves.

An effective and efficient pallet repair and return program sorts these pallets, pulls out the ones needing repairs, fixes them and returns the inventory to the facility. Saving your operation time and money, both as a cost savings to purchasing more pallets and also not having to manage the staff and the system.

Contact us for more information on how a pallet repair and return or total pallet management program can benefit your unique operation.

Please consider the following when looking at pallet repair and return providers:

  • Repair Expertise
  • Pallet Network
  • Sorting Accuracy
  • Consistency
  • Private Fleets

Repair Expertise

It’s very important to trust the pallet repair provider is competent with a record of quality pallet repair and recycling programs. A repair provider experienced in handling facilities with multiple different pallet sizes is a must.

Pallet Network

Strategically located in Montgomery, AL we cater to any high-volume operation as your pallet supplier to process your inventories reliably and always on-schedule. And we can provide additional logistic or repair capabilities when you are in a pinch.

Sorting Accuracy

There can be additional costs through being billed for undamaged pallets being "repaired" when your used pallets aren’t graded correctly. Our refined repair and proper sorting practices are central to a great repair and return program. Without a proper process, inventories may be miscounted and lead to discrepancies. We stay organized and manage your pallet inventories accurately so you do not receive damaged pallets put back into your pallet inventory mistakenly for use.

Ask us about our grading criteria for used pallets - How are certain damages repaired? Our accountability in the repair line. And if we have any automated systems in place to ensure quality.


Your facility like many runs on a lean schedule and requires consistent deliveries to operate at maximum efficiency. Consistency is crucial in all facets of a pallet repair and return program. Reliable quality pallet pick-ups, sorting, repairs and delivery must never fail.

Private Fleet

Our private fleet offers you a repair company with their own trucks and trailers and we control how our fleet operates. This means you will not have to rely on a repair provider using outside transportation and brokerage services to pick up or deliver your pallets. This is another important variable that will provide you more consistent transportation schedules and time frames in addition to reduced costs.