On-site Sort or Repair

Often overlooked by distribution center management, buying back repaired pallets can become a significant cost.

Here are some reasons why you might want to consider on-site pallet repair.

How does on-site pallet repair work?

Pallet manufacturers sell pallets to a distribution company and may buy them back if they become damaged. Most of the time the distribution company will get a buy back credit towards the new repaired pallets.

On-site repair eliminates some of the extra steps and broken pallets are repaired on the spot. Major distribution companies such as bottling companies and grocery chains commonly see the benefit in repairing pallets at their own facilities.

The benefits to repairing pallets on-site:

1. Save Time & Money Transporting Pallets
Rising fuel costs and the decrease of available truck drivers is making more and more sense to cut down on unnecessary pallet transportation. With normal pallet repairs you have to wait for pallets to arrive then wait for them to be shipped out and returned for repairs. This is inefficient and takes a lot of time having your pallets moved around. On-site repair means there is no need to transport pallets to and from your distribution center. You will spend less time loading and unloading pallets from trailers and spend more time focused on your core operations.

2. No Inventory Discrepancies
You'll have complete inventory control with an on-site repair operation. With all inventory kept on site, there’s no room for number discrepancies, miscommunication and pallet count errors.

3. No More Waiting for for Deliveries
You'll never run out of pallets with repairs being done on site and you also won’t have to wait for a trailer to come in with deliveries. You’ll always know that pallets will be ready when you need them.

4. The Best Quality Pallets Always at Hand
Perhaps you have experienced product loss in the past due to poorly repaired pallets. If you are dealing with a pallet company that has poor quality control, chances are they will just state their pallets as "high grade" or as a "low grade" repaired pallet. This should concern you and make you question how your pallet provider determines pallet quality. We offer up to 8 grades of 48 x 40 GMA style pallets and a variety of custom sizes to ensure that each customer is getting what they need for their specific operation. An on-site pallet repair operation should be designed specifically for your operation. You’ll have high-quality pallets more consistently because each repair station is tailored to your operation’s quality standards.

5. Save More Money
Make your company budget attainable having repairs done on site. There are many ways on-site repair gives you instant benefits. Bringing pallet repair in house and eliminating unnecessary transportation of pallets. Counting and sorting errors. Time more efficiently used not waiting for pallet delivery. Bringing repairs back on site is one of the easiest ways to improve your operation and become fully-optimized.