Rental Pallets

Many companies with a national reach may prefer a pallet rental program because of the complexities of managing an internal pallet strategy.

Your company may choose a pooled pallet rental program since managing a supply of pallets effectively means taking on a product line that will never turn a profit.

Pinnacle Logistics Systems specializes in supplying quality pallets as needed, arranging for the recovery and transportation of the pallets once they reach the end of the supply chain, and repairing and replacing damaged pallets.

Another solution is a pallet rental program that specializes in plastic pallets. Plastic pallet pooling offers durable, easy-to-clean pallets some retailers prefer while managing the storage, delivery and retrieval of pallets.

Plastic doesn’t absorb moisture and rot or break down over time like wood. Plastic pallets can be engineered to precise specs providing light weight and consistent dimensions.

Plastic pallet advantages over wood pallets include hygiene, durability, strength, weight and sustainability.